Sunday, June 12, 2005


Haven't been blogging for many months as I've been busy directing and producing a play.


At 8:43 AM, June 20, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

Thanks,Rebecca.Anytime you're ready to let me look over your writngs just let me know where to find them online or if they aren't online maybe you can print them out for me or copy them into a floppy disc.You can always open a blogspot account.Mine is not a real blog.A real blog is like a journal but that's very personal.I write a private journal.If I've the time I'll post a few of the latest poems I have written lately.Thanks for enjoying them.I'm still learning and working on improving my poetry and other writings.I've written a few short stories and am at present struggling with 2 novels - my never-ending stories LOL.I'm going to try to finish one during the year-end long hols but i'm still not sure how the story will end.Maybe I should also post the script of the play I produced recently, Tanggang,my son.

At 8:27 PM, June 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of my writings are fanfiction, stories based on, well, other stories. My previous writings, once checked over, I realized that there were too many spelling and other miscellanous mistakes for me to show anyone without completely embarassing myself. Perhaps next time? What are the two novels about? I always wanted to publish a novel but I always end up leaving them hanging... Opening a blogspot account would be a little tideous for me, as I already have a livejournal that I update daily so I would rarely use the blog. The Tanggang play was interesting, quite different from the original, in it's own special way. Unfortunately, I could not hear some parts of the play due to my horrible 'seats'...

At 8:22 AM, June 23, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

please do not ever feel embarrassed about letting somebody check out your writing as it's the only way to improve.the somebody must be objective and not be afraid to say the truth.however,one's man's meat is another's poison.bad writing such as Of Bunga Telur etc with all its cliches has been accepted as good writing by the ministry LOL and imagine giving kids like u people such a dark and morbid "poem" as that snippet from Macbeth. thanks for likeing my play.i wrote the script from the way i see the tanggang story.what have your "seats" to do with your hearing?writing is something very individualistic and your style is unique but if readers don't like it then there's nothing you can do about it as we can't copy anybody else's novels are too complicating to be discussed here.don't think it's easy to publish a book unless you self-publish which will cost you and you might not even sell one book LOL take your time writing something truly worth reading.

At 6:41 AM, July 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im someone from smkb but i don't want to write my name here. but i know rebecca and i enjoy reading some of the stuff she writes. i kinda enjoyed the poems here to. hope you write some more!

At 6:44 AM, July 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey im from smkb too! but i won't say which class cause u all might guess who i am. i enjoy reading the poems here too. but seriously pn yap, a lot of people don't really like you and says bad things about you behind your back cause they say you talk to much and are annoying. well, i think that half of it is true only and i hope you can change

At 5:11 AM, July 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10:14 AM, July 20, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

thank you all for liking my poems. have written some of late but haven't time to post them here. have had some published in the US.

it doesn't matter whether i'm liked or otherwise as i'm here to do a job, not to be popular. i'm so used to hearing all kinds of comments they don't bother me anymore. i am what i am.....nasty, whatever and i give as good as i take. people who get it from me deserve it. i'm a writer so saying the truth is a need. of course, we irritate when we say it as it is LOL

At 10:17 AM, July 20, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

by the way, i don't change for anybody, not even for the world! i am what i am and if you can't stomach me then it's just too bad. i don't apologize for being myself!

At 6:28 AM, August 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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