Poems from the heart series #6
The heart of the poet
The heart of the poet bleeds,
When your smiles are forced and false,
Bereft of joy, empty smiles of nothingness,
O my unbearable pain of helplessness!
The heart of the poet sings,
To see the old smiles return,
Smiles full of sweetness and joy,
Celebrating love for life,
By you I stand, offering
A warm touch and warmest hugs!
24 July 2004 at about 12 midnight
Note : This poem will be published in the US at the end of this year.
Dear Humble Pie,
Thank you for your candid and sincere comments which I truly appreciate. Your comments are fair, objective and devoid of any vindictiveness and I admire such candidness. I really value this kind of feedback and you sound so mature for a student. Indeed, you sound more mature than I could ever be LOL. Before I go into the rhetorics of things, allow me to commend you on your excellent command of the language. It’s rare to cross path with a lover of literary writings and the like these days so believe me when I tell you that I’m truly gratified to read the good things you wrote about me and I would consider it a privilege to teach someone like you (I could probably learn a thing or two from you?).
I don’t normally go around calling people “stupid” etc unless I was pushed to the limit of my patience at the time I uttered such derogatory words. It’s normal to lose your cool when people annoy you to the limit. I wouldn’t deny it if I did indeed say such words (and I admit I’m no saint. I’m just a teacher) and I’ve always apologized for my mistakes. We make mistakes at any age. The thing is that we learn from them and try to be careful not to repeat them. Sadly, as mere human beings, burdened with so many human weaknesses, we are all bound to repeat our mistakes. I concede that nobody’s perfect and I’m prepared to forgive others for their human weaknesses and I expect the same from them. I hope those who “criticized” me are also aware of their own shortcomings or you could help them correct such shortcomings.
I do not normally hurt the feelings of others, especially those of kids whom I teach. I’m a poet, a writer and an artist at heart and in spirit so I feel very intensely (if I don’t I can’t write) and I hurt very deeply so I wouldn’t hurt others on purpose. I do, however, have a tendency to be careless with words but my heart and conscience are always clear.
Thank you for your encouragement. I’ve thought of writing for “Silverfish” but I do have other plans in mind. I’ll just allow nature to take its course and if it’s God’s plans to see me become a published writer so it shall be! I do not think getting myself published in Silverfish would be much of a struggle but writing my novels are LOL. I’m in no great hurry, really, though age isn’t on my side. As long as you write you’re a writer so it doesn’t really matter if you’re “truly” published. It’s of course, thrilling to see your works in print, even if it’s just in the local newspapers. I guess the easiest place to self-publish is on the internet. One of the advantages is that nobody edits your work because these so-called editors think that they are better than the writer. It’s frustrating because sometimes in editing our piece they take out the teeth, or the punch, so to speak. You do, however, get a lot of garbage in the internet. There are sites with such bad English. I’ve also read many badly-written stories. Many such self-professed writers do not even know their punctuation marks, left alone their grammar.
Writing fiction is the most difficult of all the genres of writing. Nevertheless, if that’s our calling we must answer that call. I enjoy teaching very much but when I write my world is complete. I’ve chosen this life and though writing is very hard work I shall live it. I hope you’ll know where your heart lies and go where it takes you. Your life is nothing unless you are able to serve others. When we die we leave nothing but a memory. I’d like to be remembered for my writings and poetry. I wish you all the best and hope to hear from you again. Thank you.
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why are u so bitter? could u write a better one? why don't u? i expect an intellectual like u to respond in a more positive manner. what do u have against me, anyway? search your heart and be fair.
The very fact that you're writing anonymously proves that you're a coward. Come out into the open if you truly have the guts. Why are you afraid of me?
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