Saturday, July 10, 2004

Poems from the heart series #5

How shall we love thee?

The joys, the sorrows, the tears, the laughter
Teaching you, learning from you
We grow old as you grow up
We hold our breaths, while you tantrums throw
Finding your depth, your bearing
Searching for self, exploring
Exerting your individuality
And while helping you search, we find ourselves.

You’re neither child, nor man or woman
Straddling the crossroads of life
Should you take the path less trodden
or the one more familiar?
Let us hold you by the hand
From the beginning to the end
While you hand us your angst, your insecurities
We bear with you, and you bear with our chidings.

We are in this together till journey’s end
Oh, tell me, dear children, how shall we love thee?
And indeed, we do truly love as we chide thee.

11/6/2004 @ 1 a.m.

Note : This poem is written for you, my students, on the occasion of Teacher's Day.


At 6:46 PM, July 19, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear teacher,
I heard that you wanted to change your website and you don't want to tell it to anyone. Is that true?
Well, I think it is rather sad because i really enjoyed your stories and poems.
If you really want to change the website, can you tell it to me?
Okay, my email address is
Thank you

At 5:07 PM, July 20, 2004, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

Dear Reena,
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoy reading my writings. I'll have to think about your request and then get back to you. Thanks again.


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