Sunday, May 30, 2004

Unconditional love.

Does such a thing as unconditional love exist? It's possible to love perfectly but is it possible to love without conditions? Sacrificial love is possible because that comes from true love. I wonder if even God provides unconditional love, if indeed God exists.


At 6:09 AM, June 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a student from SMKB. I'm from 1B. I'm not going to tell you my name because I'm pretty shy. Okay, so here are my comments... I found your thoughts quite insightful. I believe there is a God though as I'm a Christian. Through being a Christian, I realized that unconditional love might as well be impossible. There are conditions even for me to love God and for God to love me. (I hope I got that sentence right) I remembered something that you said in class as I was read through your questions. It went something like; “I would rather go to hell than heaven because there’s no casino in heaven.” LoL. I found THAT interesting. Just to let you know, I don’t think that there’s a casino in hell too. Anyway, I hope I’m not offending you or anything. These are just my thoughts. I am surprised that nobody has commented on this yet. Well, that’s all. And forgive my grammar mistakes. I tend to be careless sometimes…

At 8:28 AM, June 20, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

Thank you for your very mature comments.I didn't expect what I said in class to be so well remembered LOL.You must be paying full attention so I had better be careful when making comments or cracking jokes.I've always wondered about this term - unconditional love.I'm rather philosophical and like to contemplate and push thoughts to the the limit.I'm not a gambler.I just play for fun.I love writing (all the genres), painting and music but I truly am crazy about writing.Hope to hear from you again.And thanks for the kind words.

At 7:29 AM, June 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! 'Tis the same person from 1B... I've realize that I've made a mistake in my last comment. I've found out that there is unconditional love in my relationship with God. Earlier I said that unconditional love might as well be impossible because God gets angry when I sin. But then I found out that even though God would be angry when I sin, he still loves me. Kind of like when my parents scolds me because they care for me... Anyway, have you ever think about religion? That's the topic I seem to wonder about most...

At 8:42 AM, July 08, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

you're quite right about unconditional love but can it also mean that whatever we do the other person must still love us? yes, i do think a lot about this great mystery called GOD but religion does not worry me because i believe they are all man-made. throughout human history it is clear that man and politics manipulate religion to suit their needs. but this mystery called GOD is a huge question. looks like one must have faith to answer the question as it can't be answered using the intellect. i'd rather use the intellect as i lack the faith! i like to ponder about such stuff as they all relate to the meaning of our life on earth.

At 7:36 AM, July 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, this is the same person again. This time, I've given myself a nickname in case somebody else were to write a comment on this topic. Anyway, about your first question in your last reply, yeah well, I’m still thinking about how to answer that. LoL. But since you say that you don’t believe in any religion, what do you think is the reason for our creation? I have more to type but, unfortunately, I have to go. I'll comment again later after you've replied.

At 8:54 AM, July 17, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

i did not say i don't believe in God. i don't want to have anything to do with religion as it's the root of all evil. this world is full of strive because of religion, NOT God. terrorists commit so much evil in the name of religion, not God!if indeed we were created we were not created for religion.

At 5:21 AM, July 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you did not say that you don't believe in God... If you read my previous comment, you'll realize that I was talking about religion, not God. And I know that terorists commit much evil in the name of religion, but WHICH religion? For example, i know that some Muslims commits terrorism in the name of their religion, but you can't blame all the other religions! Have you ever seen TRUE Christians commit terrorism?

Okay. First of all, I believe there is a heaven and a hell because I think we have to go somewhere after we pass away. We can't just die and stay dead in the ground because then we're just living to die in the end... And if that's the case, then those people who live in misery for most of their lives might as well kill themselves since there's no reward at the end of the road for them...

Secondly, if Chritianity is the way to Heaven, then what are you going to do? Are you going ignore it just because it's a religion?

Thirdly, I think we are created first of all to know and praise God. And after that bring others to know him...

Anyway, since you said that you didn't say you don't beleive in God, I'm assuming that you DO believe in Him.. And what do you know about Him?

At 5:21 AM, July 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 10:23 AM, July 20, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

you're evangalizing here and i don't like to be patronized so i hope you'll stop doing that. if you want a discussion by all means, do it but what you've written smacks of evangelism. you go ahead and be a good Christian but don't start with me! thanks.

At 10:31 AM, July 20, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

what i think of God is my business and i don't go around condemning any religion. i've said before that religion is man-made. od is the only truth. since you're a christian you see God as in christianity but i see God in a universal way so don't talk to me about christianity. it's not like i don't know about it. i was educated at a missionary school for 11 years. there are hypocrites in all religions so i'd rather just believe in God and not discuss religion. okay? if you have this NEED to evangelize please kindly do it with someone else. people do have needs. as a writer i have a NEED to call a spade a spade and sometimes i step on the sensitive toes of people LOL.

At 7:19 AM, July 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not that I have the NEED to evangelize... LoL.. But nevermind, you wouldn't understand it.. Anyway, I'm surprised you posted a window telling people to read the comments here. LoL. Hey, were you a Christian last time? When you were studying in the missionary school, I mean... Anyway, I agree with you when you said that there are hypocrites in all religion... In fact, the Pharisees (in the bible) were also hypocrites... At least that's what I learn... And about your last comment, I don't understand what you mean by you believe in God... Or at least I think I don't understand it fully..

At 10:49 AM, July 21, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

i was never a christian and God is not the prerogative of the christians. you sound so superior when you said you don't understand what i mean when i said i believe in God? must one be a christian, muslim or whatever to believe in God? do not confuse God with religion. i've always maintained that religion is man-made but if God is always there He isn't man-made. when I asked for comments i mean intellectual discussions, not preaching or evangelizing. i guess you'll have to do this elsewhere. if you want to discuss religion intellectually by all means go ahead but don't patronize me, preach or run other faiths down. don't tell me terrorists are all muslims. there are lots of christians, buddhists and what have you that are terrorists. take the IRA, the Japanese ones etc. if you have a need to write then do so but if you have a need to preach don't start with me. this blog is for people who love to write. btw, if you are truly sincere, write in your own name. why hide behind some pseudonym? rebecca truly loves writing and she doesn't fear to let me know who she is. why do you fear? anything to hide?

At 8:10 PM, July 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't want to tell my name because I'm shy... I don't like to post my name on the internet... Anyway, I won't talk to you about Christianity anymore since you don't want to. But I'm looking forward to other things that you may post.

At 7:18 AM, July 24, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

one should be proud of one's given name, whatever it may be. anyway,you sound positive. i don't mind if people want to discuss christianity or any other religion but just don't evangelize. i'm a very experienced writer so when a person camouflages i can see through it. you were doing exactly that. no matter how subtle you do it i can "feel" it. i've lots of stuff to post but don't have the time for it. moreover, i cant get into the net using my desktop and all my stuff is there. i've to use my official notebook to get into the net. i'll contact one of our former students to fix it for me. have you read all the stuff here?

At 5:29 AM, July 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't read ALL of the stuff, but I've read some... Anyway, what do you mean I sound positive? Is there a reason why I should sound negative?

P\S: I hope you get your stuff up in no time...

At 5:39 PM, July 30, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

by that i meant you didn't merajuk and act up. i've lots of stuff which i don't want to post here bcs some stuff are for future publication in the US. some of the better short stories and poems here will be compiled into a book in some future time, maybe after my retirement when i'll have more time, energy and focus to gather everything together. some of the short stories and poems in my portfolio will be included in the book. anyway, i'll just have to try finish my books and then work hard to get a real traditional publisher and then i'm on my way. they'll know how to edit all my rubbish for a book of poetry and short stories. alternatively, i could self-publish my first book if a traditional publisher won't have me because i'm unknown, unpublished and untried. later, they'll want me if they find people want to read me. the publishing business is all about making money and marketing. sometimes, a book is full of flaws but all the hulabaloo helps it to sell. if i write something very controversial the book might create such a buzz i might become a household name overnight LOL. people today go for enigmas (things that can't be explained). they think such things are exotic. look at william hung. many people at school can't understand me as well LOL, including the teachers so i'm an enigma too haha.

At 5:48 PM, July 30, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

i'm at the moment struggling with two novels but they're on hold all the time due to work and family commitments and i always get waylaid by some other exciting stuff i'm researching and writing. a poem might take up a week of thinking, a short story more. the book of collected short stories and poems will be easier to publish but he novels will be harder as i'll have to find time and focus to finish them. i'm just one third of the way with both. as soon as i finish them i'll write the next one which will be very controversial. maybe i'll self-publish first but will have to come up with some money. if a traditional publisher does it for me they'll buy the manuscript and i'll be paid royalty for eternity, meaning that as long as they reprint and people still buy the book, my children and grandchn will get the royalty after i'm dead. that's the wonderful thing about royalty.

At 11:15 PM, July 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, I've heard about the royalty thing... I guess it's good... But sometimes it may not be much of a pay, right? Anyway, novels can take a loooooong(I know that's a spelling error...) time.. I heard that Tom Clancy took a lot of years to finish his book, "Hunt For The Red October"... Somebody told that publishing can be really expensive and you can lose a lot of money if your books don't sell... Well, I guess everybody has to take risks sometimes..

At 7:58 AM, July 31, 2005, Blogger TheKampungOwl said...

true. nothing ventured, nothing gained. writing a novel and getting it published can take 20 or even 30 years but no fear as people have told me i'll live forever LOL. i intend to write even at 80. look at how hale and hearty mahathir is at 80 and how some people look like they're just waiting to die at 60. as long as our minds are active, we exercise and eat good food, we shall always stay young. there are people who are 20 years younger to me but walk like old ladies. it's the attitude to life and stuff. a writer is always learning so we never age LOL.

royalty is great if your book sells well. it's okay to fork out a little money but if we publish on demand we won't have books stocked up. once we're known traditional established publishers will want to take the risk. once a well-known publisher takes you on you're on your way. everyone dreams of fame and fortune but we must also be prepared to give up our quiet, peaceful lifestyle. i've always cherished my leisurely lifestyle as i have time to stop and smell the roses if i so choose to.


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